The Fulfillment of Investing in Real Estate

Alex Wells joins the show with his optimistic approach to investing and aspirations to enjoy his investments. He emphasizes the value of having investment knowledge, maximizing opportunities, and sharing tips on mitigating the risks of investing. Listen to another guest who will prove real estate's power in transforming your life!

Key takeaways to listen for

  • What it takes to start up and run a business

  • Standard attributes of a good investment

  • Virtual investment ideas in a global crisis

  • Why you should invest in bitcoin

  • The opportunities that the chaotic world can offer to innovators and business-minded people

Resources mentioned in this episode

About Alex Wells

Alex Wells is the Co-Founder of Imprint Digital. Over the last 13 years, Alex has been building a stack of experience in diversified business leadership including digital marketing, sales, account management, strategic planning, employee management and development, training, communication, operations, and customer service. He launched professionally with Press-One Customer Care back in 2010. Alex managed relationships with multiple publications throughout the states to help them implement and optimize their marketing, advertising, sales, and customer service at a much lower cost than in-house solutions. This was on the tail end of the recession and the launch of the iPhone in 2007. Many print publications were struggling to balance budgets and keep up with the push to digital which is where he made his impact.

In 2015 he decided to pursue digital marketing exclusively and accepted a role at a SaaS company. He started his role working directly with 100s of businesses to help them develop and scale their digital marketing strategies and reach their growth benchmarks. Alex quickly moved up to be a Director of Marketing where he managed a team of 45 digital marketing experts and was responsible for aiding the team to develop and execute successful marketing strategies. During his time there, the company grew from under 200 employees to just over 600.

Alex is also the co-founder of Grit Investments, a capital investment company in Northern Colorado.

Connect with Alex


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